新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超2000个微信违规小程序被封停 成长期更需紧箍咒

超2000个微信违规小程序被封停 成长期更需紧箍咒

Super 2000 WeChat illegal small procedures were closure growth more hoops

2018-02-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今年年初,一些售假卖家悄然“傍”上了微信小程序,不少用户真假难辨,中招者不在少数。从交通出行到电商购物,小程序已渗透多个应用场景,却也成为个别违法违规者的藏身之所。除了售假贩伪,有的还利用小程序暗地开展涉黄涉赌活动,有的则利用监管漏洞开展恶意营销和违规经营,严重损害用户权益。 2月,微信官方发布公告称:已对涉及假货高仿、色情低俗和违规“现金贷”等超过2000个小程序,进行永久封禁处理。然而,要真正清除小程序中暗藏的毒瘤,仍待平台方同监管部门、用户受众等形成更为有效的合力。 开发门槛低—— 违规者盯上小程序 今年1月,一款名为“同住酒店拼房”的小程序打出“床位共享”的噱头,引发争议。在...

Earlier this year, some sellers counterfeits quietly "alongside" WeChat small programs, many users butch, the recipient is not in the minority. From transportation to the electricity business shopping, small programs have been doing multiple scenarios, but also become illegal individual violators of the hiding place. In addition to selling counterfeits pseudo, some still use small program tacitly adultury and in activities, or malicious marketing and irregular operations conducted by regulatory loopholes, and seriously damage the interest of users. Official announcement in February, the letter said has high involving fake imitation, pornographic vulgarity and violations "cash borrowed" and so on more than 2000 small programs, to manipulate the permanently banned. However, to truly eliminate hidden cancer in the small program, still to be flat to Taipei with regulators, such as user audience more effective force. Development of low - offenders targeting small program in January, a called "hotel room" with live small program hit "share beds" stunt, controversial. In the...