新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西摄影师拍摄日出贺新春 多重曝光打造超时空之城

广西摄影师拍摄日出贺新春 多重曝光打造超时空之城

Guangxi photographer Sunrise Spring Festival multiple exposures to create the city Chrono Trigger

2016-02-11 23:49:44来源: 人民网广西视窗

人民网玉林2月11日电 (朱晓玲)春节期间,在广西玉林市湿地公园山顶,摄影师冯涛拍摄了一组绝美日出风景照。通过多重曝光,镜头下的玉林城区仿佛是电影中的超时空之城。(完)

During the People Yulin February 11 (by Zhu Xiaoling) Spring Festival in Guangxi Yulin City Wetland Park Peak, photographer Feng Tao took a group of beautiful sunrise landscape photos. By multiple exposure, Yulin City under the lens like a movie Macross City. (Finish)