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"Diablo lineages 3" DLC update plan released after sale

2018-10-12 10:07:44来源: 游戏时光

THQ Nordic 公布了《暗黑血统3》将在游戏发售后推出的两个 DLC 内容,分别名为“熔炉”(The Crucible)和“虚空守护者”(Void of Void)。在“熔炉”DLC中,有奇怪生物想要测试主角 Fury 的战斗技能。Fury 会受邀请进入一个只有“熔炉”的地方,与一波又一波的敌人搏斗,争夺机会解锁新的奖励和道具。“虚空守护者”中, Fury 需要进入蛇洞中消除那里的“古老威胁”。蛇洞充斥着新的谜题和敌人,他们渴望测试 Fury 的能力。如果她占据上风,就可以解锁所有虚空中的新武器,以及最大的奖励——深渊护甲。《暗黑血统3》将在11月27日发售,登陆 PS4/Xbox On...

Company in The Nordic released "diablo lineages 3" will be launched after The release of two DLC content, respectively called "melting pot" (The Crucible) and guardians "Void" (Void of Void). In the "melting pot" DLC, there are strange creatures want to test the protagonist Fury combat skills. Fury will be invited to enter a "melting pot", only with wave after wave of enemies to fight, for the chance to unlock new rewards and props. "Vanity guardians" Fury need to enter the snake hole in eliminating the threat of "ancient" there. Snake hole is filled with new puzzles and the enemy, they are eager to test the ability of Fury. If she have the upper hand, you can unlock all the vanity of the new weapons, and the biggest reward - abyss armor. "Diablo lineages 3" will be released On November 27, landing PS4 / Xbox On...