新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手机里的内衣秀:三枪品牌命中微商


Phone underwear show: three gun brand hit derivative

2015-06-30 17:53:50来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】6月30日消息,上海内衣品牌三枪集团日前宣布,将与微盟联姻,借助微盟提供的SDP分销系统及V店平台开展移动社交电商,在移动端卖内衣。 据亿邦动力网了解,上海三枪集团是以生产三枪内衣著称的针织九厂,经过自我发展、优势扩张形成的品牌集团,线下专卖店在全国约有1000家。本次...

[Yibang dynamic network] news on June 30, underwear brand in Shanghai three gun group recently announced, will and MSI marriage, with the MSI SDP distribution system and V shop platform carry out mobile social networking business, selling underwear in the mobile terminal. It is understood billion state power network, Shanghai three gun group is known to produce three shots underwear knitting factory 9, after self development and advantages of expanding brand group, offline stores in the country about 1000. This time...