新关注 > 信息聚合 > 没有她们,哪来坐在电脑前编程的你们


Without them, where would you sit in front of the computer programming?

2016-12-23 14:00:01来源: TECH2IPO创见

当我们谈及到科技界的创新精神时,脑海中浮现出来的都是这些男人:马克扎克伯格、比尔盖茨、史蒂夫乔布斯、艾隆·马斯克。如今,在科技圈里能够引领潮流的女性似乎逐渐消失在我们的视野中了。但这并不一直以来都是这样子的。事实上,在计算机行业开始崛起的第一个十年时间中,「编程」曾经还是「粉领行业」。早期大多数的程序员都是女性!更重要的是,这个行业本身就是出自女人之手,也是因为女人,这个行业才走到今天这个地步。两个世纪之前,那个时候计算机,或者说计算机的雏形是由「飞轮」和「齿轮」组成的。Ada Lovelace,她成为了世界上第一名程序员,她给未来的计算机行业奠定下了坚实的基础。她在「可编程计算机」上留下了最...

When we talk about the spirit of innovation in science and technology, all these people come to mind: Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Aron Mask. Today, women who are leading the trend in science and technology seem to be losing sight of us. But that hasn't always been like this. In fact, the first ten years in the computer industry began to rise in the "programming" or "pink collar" industry once. Most of the early programmers were women! More importantly, the industry itself is from the hands of women, but also because of women, the industry has gone to this point. Two centuries ago, at that time, computers, or the rudiments of computers, were made up of flywheels and gears. Ada Lovelace, she became the world's first programmer, she laid a solid foundation for the future of the computer industry. She left the most on the "programmable computer"...

标签: 编程