新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄互娱《巅峰战舰》获苹果官方推荐


Hero mutual entertainment "peak battleships won apple official recommendations

2016-07-11 13:49:49来源: 多玩游戏

7月8日,英雄互娱旗下首款次世代TPS海战竞技手游《巅峰战舰》再次获得苹果官方推荐,位居热门游戏分类。 据了解,这不是《巅峰战舰》第一次被苹果官方推荐,早在5月20日,《巅峰战舰》App Store上线之时,就获得苹果一周新游推荐。《巅峰战舰》在不到两个月的时间里,两次获得苹果推荐,...

On July 8, hero and entertainment, TPS naval competitive mobile game for the first time generation peak warships for apple's recommended again, in the popular game category. It is understood that this is not the first time that the peak battleships by apple's recommended, as early as 20 May, the peak battleships App Store online, get apple XinYou recommend a week. The peak battleships in less than two months, two apple recommendation,...

标签: 苹果