新关注 > 信息聚合 > 区块链是纯粹的去中心化吗,垄断会因此消失吗?


Block chain is pure decentralization, monopoly will disappear?

2018-02-05 16:14:00来源: 品途网

以太坊的创始人俄罗斯天才少年Vitalik Buterin,年少时曾沉迷“魔兽世界”,而当开发商暴雪娱乐取消了他最喜欢的职业「术士」的技能“生命虹吸”之后,他心碎气愤。从那以后,他意识到中心化和垄断的恐怖,决心改变,变革由此开启….. 如果说比特币为首的区块链1.0,仅仅只是改变了人们记录价值、确认价值的方式,使得价值传输可以不依赖第三方进行,一个新经济秩序的出现自此有了现实基础。那么,承载了智能合约的以太坊为首的区块链2.0,则是彻底让人意识到构建一个不存在中间人、完全依赖程序的去中心化世界的可能。此后,区块链掀起了一股去中心化浪潮,“Decentralize Everything”,成...

Etheric lane, the founder of Russian prodigy Vitalik Buterin, youth had indulged "world of warcraft", and when the developer blizzard entertainment cancelled his favorite class "warlocks" skills "siphon life" after, his heart is angry. From then on, he realized centralized and monopoly of terror, determined to change, change to turn... .. If the currency block chain headed by 1.0, just changed the way people record value, confirm the value, the value transmission can not rely on a third party, the emergence of a new economic order since then have a basis in reality. So, bearing block chain, led intelligent contracts the etheric fang, 2.0, is thoroughly let people realize that build a nonexistent middlemen, depend entirely on the program of decentralized may be the world. Since then, the chain block set off a wave of decentralization, "Decentralize Everything",...

标签: 区块链