新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沃尔玛降低准入门槛招揽中国第三方卖家?


Wal-mart to reduce barriers to entry to attract Chinese third party vendors?

2017-06-12 15:07:59来源: 亿邦动力网


First of all, let's take a look at from last year to now, open channel wal-mart unofficial merchants friends for wal-mart China merchants some requirements: 1. 2. Must be the company with the United States company ein EIN3. The United States since the position or the third party warehouse 4. Must have a U.S. business address 5. The annual turnover of less than $500000 ($1 million) 6. Payment must be the account opening bank (conscience compliance of company wroldfirsrt has online access) currently wal-mart platform provides about 11 million kinds of products, and wal-mart's plan is to platform added about 1 million kinds of new products every month. Currently, wal-mart to move into the seller has the basic five criteria: 1, sales, electronics, clothing, furniture, sports and other category of seller; 2, must have the customs code of the United States, in various platforms experienced mature sellers; 3, with overseas warehouse in the United States, has a good after-sales service and logistics distribution, can provide...