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Bad grades, irritable dad driving to crush the PS4

2019-04-07 23:09:50来源: IT之家

IT之家4月7日消息 尽管颇具争议,但孩子成绩不好怪游戏机、怪电脑手机似乎不仅仅限于我们身边一些家长,外媒Mashable东南亚站就报道了这样的一位暴躁的国外老爹。这则报道引用了来自Tre Cosby在YouTube上传的一个视频。从视频内容看,他儿子的成绩似乎有些不理想,于是他就采用了一个极端的方法进行处理。他的PS4打包好,将孩子和设备带到户外,命令儿子自己用撬棍动手砸坏。比较讽刺的是,他的儿子穿着的连帽卫衣上正印着“吃、睡、堡垒之夜、重复”这些字样。见孩子边哭边敲,下不了手,这位老爹就不再客气了。他把游戏机放到了车轮边,直接开车碾了过去。事实上,这已经不是这位暴躁老爹第一次这么...

IT Home, April 7, News & nbsp; Although controversial, it seems that children's grades are not blame game consoles, blame computer phones are not limited to some parents around us. Mashable Southeast Asia Station, a foreign media, reported such a hot-tempered foreign dad. The report cites a video uploaded by Tre Cosby on YouTube. From the video content, his son's performance seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory, so he adopted an extreme method to deal with it. His PS4 packed, took the children and equipment outdoors and ordered his son to smash them with a crowbar. Ironically, the words "eat, sleep, night at the fortress, repeat" were printed on his son's hoodie. The father was no longer polite when he saw the child crying and knocking and could not start. He put the game machine beside the wheel and drove it over directly. In fact, it's not the first time this grumpy dad has done this.

标签: 游戏 PS PS4