新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米天猫旗舰店“泄密”:渐变色机身新机现身


Millet Tmall flagship store "leaked" : gradient fuselage, new appearance

2019-03-12 19:31:19来源: IT之家

IT之家3月12日消息 IT之家今日发现,小米天猫官方旗舰店“泄密”了一款尚未发布的渐变色机身设计的新机,这款新机将于3月27日上架。从小米官方旗舰店相关页面的信息来看,小米的这款新品手机采用了刘海屏设计,“刘海”的面积相对较小,后置双摄像头,机身采用渐变色设计,整机边框控制还可以。从渲染图来看,这款手机定位很有可能是一款“青春版”手机。当IT之家小编点击进去新品手机的详情页时,会提示“宝贝不存在”。除了小米的这款“新品手机”外,红米将于3月18日正式发布红米Note 7 Pro和红米7手机以及其他非手机新品,黑鲨游戏手机3同日发布。

IT's home on March 12, news & have spent IT's home found today, millet Tmall official flagship store "leak" a has not released the gradients of the fuselage design new, this new handsets on March 27th. From millet official flagship store related information of the page, the new phone of millet Liu Haibing design, adopted the "bang" the area is relatively small and rear dual cameras, the fuselage USES the gradient design, machine frame can also control. From the point of rendering, this kind of mobile phone positioning is likely to be a "youth version" of mobile phone. When IT is the home of small make up page click enter details of the new mobile phone, you will be prompted "baby does not exist". In addition to this "new mobile phone" millet, red rice will be officially released on March 18, red rice Note 7 Pro and red rice 7 mobile phones and other new products, black shark mobile game 3 on the same day.

标签: 天猫