新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想集团将全球裁员3200人 占员工总数5%

联想集团将全球裁员3200人 占员工总数5%

Lenovo global layoffs 3200 people accounted for 13 morning news staff total 5%

2015-08-13 18:03:43来源: 亿邦动力网


8 month, Lenovo Group, today announced 2015 / 16 in the first quarter of fiscal year not by financial report audit, on revenue of $10.7 billion ($683 million yuan), rose 3%; net profit attributable to shareholders of $105 million ($6.7 billion yuan), compared to the same period decreased 51%. Basic earnings per share of 0.95 cents, 0.94 cents per diluted share. Earnings report, by the global PC market environment, Lenovo Group individual, commercial PC sales have dropped significantly, but better than the market average, the market share of innovation. In the face of the market downturn, Lenovo Group must continue to improve efficiency and cut expenses to ensure that all business to maintain a healthy and profitable. Lenovo Group announced that it will reduce the global scope of about 3200 non manufacturing employees, accounting for about 10% of the company's non manufacturing employees, accounting for about 5% of the world's total 60000 employees. The following is the Association announced the industry...