新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宫廷春节背后,百度给出科技传承文化的正确打开方式


Court behind the Spring Festival, baidu gives expressing the culture of science and technology open the right way

2018-02-15 14:10:00来源: 品途网


On February 15th (New Year's eve) zero start to February 17, baidu union the palace kitchens Doodle released the latest version of the Spring Festival in baidu home page. This is a dynamic Doodle about family reunion dinner. In addition to Doodle, baidu also released about the royal culture festival customs in New Year's feast of H5 and special page, is aggressively in the dissemination of culture. Doodle is festival element + unique logo, brand logo design before baidu search has issued Doodle in more than one day or holiday, this time from one of the most important festival in the Spring Festival eve, the family reunion dinner presented played the combination of science and technology + culture. In fact, on the one hand, li under the banner of "new culture movement", baidu through technology booster traditional culture has been more and more to the breadth and depth, on the other hand, single...