新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网上超市的困境与突破口


Online supermarket predicament and breakthrough

2014-12-25 08:02:39来源: 天下网商

【i天下网商注】超市快消品是最重要的消费品类,它也一直是电商久攻不下的堡垒,目前高消费频次商品还是传统超市的天下。如果电商能占领超市快消品市场,则可能对整个零售格局造成较大影响。 文/张陈勇 网上超市是主营超市商品的电商平台,比如一号店,天猫超市,步步高商城,飞牛网,中百商城,银座...

[i] world network note supermarket FMCG is the most important consumer goods, it has also been electric Jiugong fortress, the current high frequency of consumption goods or traditional supermarket in the world. If the business can capture the supermarket FMCG market, it may cause a greater impact on the entire retail pattern. Text / Chen Yong Zhang online supermarket is the main supermarket goods business platform, such as a number of stores, Tmall supermarket, BBK mall, flying cow nets, Zhongbai shopping mall, Ginza...