新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国际学校管理问题多,这几个方面要先做好


International school management problems, these a few respects want to do first

2019-02-11 16:15:00来源: 亿欧


[editor's note] according to the new theory of the development of Chinese international school report statistics, 87 new international schools in China in 2018, a record high. As international school growth trend gradually rise, whether new or old school school, are in the market, talents, students under the influence of various factors such as met with many development problem. This article from the international school of talent team construction, foreign teachers loopholes in management, education teaching quality problems, such as targeted solutions are put forward. For the current international school, in the reform and innovation, exactly how to practice to break through the puzzle, promote the development of their own? Let's listen to the author's suggestion. In this paper, from the public, "new theory", by the editor, for the industry reference. Teachers with difficult? In terms of teachers, to give training and support in terms of professional, such as by the fusion of Chinese and foreign teaching teachers research, need to form a certain mechanism, to promote the sustained, take a lot of things...