新关注 > 信息聚合 > 屏幕都快被撑破了 韩国性感女主播热舞红遍网络

屏幕都快被撑破了 韩国性感女主播热舞红遍网络

Screen is bursting Korea sexy female anchor hot dance popular in the industry of network

2015-11-20 11:25:46来源: 新浪

女主播这个行业现在有多火,想必不用多说,虽然她们都打着游戏直播的旗号,但真正直播游戏的却没几个,而宅男们其实也不关注妹子们打游戏的技术好不好、画面请不清晰,好看才是最重要的。 最近一位韩国女主播的热舞视频火了起来,这位叫柳智惠的主播在直播中大秀身材,“不慎”走光。这位女主播此前是一位...

female anchor is now more fire, presumably do not have to say, although they are under the banner of the name of the game live, but real live telecast of the game but a few, and otaku who actually does not pay close attention to the sister play game technology finally, picture please not clear, nice is the most important. Recently, a South Korean female anchor hot dance video fire up, the name of Liu Zhihui anchor in the big show body, "accidentally" exposed. The female anchor had been a...

标签: 主播