新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陆奇到底说了什么 竟让外媒也竖起大拇指

陆奇到底说了什么 竟让外媒也竖起大拇指

What did Lu Qi say so that the foreign media put the thumbs up

2017-08-11 18:45:06来源: DoNews


Recently, the famous American magazine "connect line" gave exclusive interview to President and COO Lu Qi of Baidu group, which is a comprehensive media interview since Lu Qi joined Baidu. In the interview, Lu Chi made a clear and thorough understanding of the Baidu artificial intelligence layout strategy, and said that Baidu had great potential to conquer the world in the battle of the AI. In this case, the link magazine thinks the Baidu Inc will laugh to the end. In this interview, Lu Qi pointed out that the best way to commercialize artificial intelligence technology is to build an ecosystem. He said, "in essence, it is to ensure that our partners can better speed up their innovation speed, and use healthy, stable and economic mode to build strong and long-term win-win mode for our developers and partners." In fact, Baidu has long used artificial intelligence as the "new" core of Baidu and the layout of an artificial intelligence ecosystem. As early as last year's Baidu World Congress, Baidu Inc CEO Li Yan...