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World of Warcraft dress style guild with heroes foundry first kill

2015-02-06 22:08:27来源: 新浪

2月5日晚上20:06左右,Style公会率先击杀英雄模式黑手,拿下世界英雄模式黑石首杀,不愧是在悬槌堡进度赛中拿下亚洲首杀的强力公会。我们在此恭喜Style公会,希望在接下去的史诗黑石铸造厂中,能够再创辉煌。 魔兽国服首杀 2月5日战报消息 副本开放后第一时间进本的线下团队有七...

2 month 5 days around 20:06 p.m., Style male lead the hero kills mode Blackhand, win the world hero mode Blackstone's first kill, is worthy of the title in the suspended hammer Fort schedule match with Asia's first kill powerful guild. Our congratulations to Style Association, hope to cast in the next epic Blackstone factory, to create brilliant. World of Warcraft national service first kill February 5th battle report news copy open after the first time into the line has a team of seven...