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《穿越火线2》中国区代理权花落九城 一场豪赌的..

"Cross Fire 2" China agent over 9 cities a gamble.

2015-12-19 00:46:10来源: 4399

《穿越火线2》中国区代理权花落第九城市,九城与韩国游戏开发商Smilegate Entertainment公司正式签订投资协议达成授权协议,获得《穿越火线2》(CF2)在中国大陆地区五年的独家发行权和运营权。 《穿越火线2》代理权为何不是腾讯,大概有很多朋友都有这种想法,毕竟是腾讯将《...

The cross fire 2 "China agent right Ladi ninth city, The9 and South Korean game developer Smilegate entertainment signed investment agreements reached a licensing agreement, obtain" crossing the line of fire 2 "(CF2) in mainland China five years of exclusive distribution rights and operating rights. "Through the line of fire 2" why not the power of the Tencent, about a lot of friends have this idea, after all, is the Tencent...

标签: 穿越火线