新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360发布315互联网消费投诉报告 安全大脑透视网购纠纷

360发布315互联网消费投诉报告 安全大脑透视网购纠纷

360 release 315 Internet consumer complaint report Security brain perspective online disputes

2019-03-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

00后为“不明扣费”叫苦,90后“猫奴狗奴”为宠物维权,80后提前为“养生”烦恼,70后人均投诉金额过万…… 临近315国际消费者权益日,360发布了《315中国网民互联网消费投诉研究报告》(以下简称报告)。报告显示,360安全大脑基于360猎网平台、360手机卫士互联网消费投诉平台数据,深入分析了互联网消费投诉者的人群画像、投诉类型、投诉商品、投诉金额等情况,并据此给出了相关消费提示。 男性人均投诉额超女性1.5倍最爱投诉“手机数码” 报告显示,在2018年的网络消费投诉中,男性用户占7成,女性用户仅占3成。而在人均投诉金额方面,男性为9157元,女性为6170元,男性人均投诉金...

00 after complaining about "deduction", after the 90 "cat slave dog slaves" for the pet activist, worry about "keeping in good health" in advance after 80, the per capita amount of complaints after the 70... Close to 315 international consumer rights day, 360 issued the 315 China Internet consumer complaint report "(hereinafter referred to as" report "). Report shows that 360 security based on 360 net platform, 360 brain guard cell phone Internet consumer complaint data platform, analyzes the Internet consumption of people make portraits, the types of complaints, complaints, complaints goods amount, etc., and gives the relevant consumption hints. Male complaint amount per capita 1.5 times favourite complaint "phone", "super women, according to a report in 2018 network consumer complaints, male users only 7, female user accounts for only three. In respect of the per capita amount of complaints, the male is 9157 yuan, complaints from women is 6170 yuan, per capita gold...