新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无敌唤灵手游福利来袭 好礼要你来拿

无敌唤灵手游福利来袭 好礼要你来拿

Invincible Spirit Mobile Games incoming call welfare good gift to you to take

2015-01-23 12:48:54来源: 4399

各位亲爱的玩家们,感谢大家对《无敌唤灵》手游的热情关注,为了回馈广大玩家的热情,我们也特别在游戏内开启一系列活动,为大家加油助威!抵抗兽潮入侵的道路上我们与你风雨同程!无敌唤灵手游福利请接好! ▍7天累登送礼 时间:1月22日 0点——2月1日 0点 活动内容 累计登入1天:元宝...

dear game player who, thank you for calling "Invincible Spirit" Mobile Games enthusiasm, as a reward for game player enthusiasm, we also especially in the Games open in a series of activities, for everybody cheer! The monster tide invasion resistance on the road and we you wind and rain with the process! Invincible Spirit Mobile Games welfare please connect call! Man 7 days tired Deng gifts of time: in January 22nd 0 points -- in February 1st of 0 activities: 1 day cumulative log ingot...

标签: 手游