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Battle PK of Britain "seven" kill all

2014-12-13 01:15:33来源: 中国青年网

玛法大陆狼烟四起,风萧萧杀戮不止! 七杀格也称偏官格,古代汉族选择家、星命家认为是极凶之煞,却也是有冲劲、有毅力、有抱负、有勇气的可转凶为吉的成就之贵。王城尊位,静待加冕,119wan《七杀》全服PK血战,决战紫禁之巅! 玛法大陆传承经典传奇热血,无尽的厮杀只为和平的家园,犯我者...

marfa mainland four, wind Xiao Xiao kill more than! Seven kill lattice also known as partial lattices, the ancient Han choose home, astrology home think is very fierce evil spirit, but also have momentum, perseverance, ambition, courage can turn for the achievement of your fierce kyrgyzstan. Wangcheng statue, waiting for the coronation, seven "119wan" full service PK bloody battle, the duel! Marfa mainland inherits the classic legend of blood, endless fight only for peaceful home, make me...