新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美拍3月榜昭显短视频行业未来趋势:垂直差异化内容价值凸显


Beauty auction March show short video industry future trend: vertical differentiation content value highlights

2017-04-14 12:53:45来源: DoNews

2017年,巨头依次入局的“短视频”再次回到投资者和创业者的视野,短视频原创未来发展路线也逐渐清晰。近日,新榜发布了美拍3月原创影响力榜单,也从侧面反映出中国短视频领域逐渐清晰的未来发展脉络:差异化、高原创力的垂直领域内容价值逐渐增加,变现能力凸显。 榜单新变:四大垂直榜单推出 内容成流量洼地 消费升级驱动下,短视频成为内容信息传递新新载体,也成为创业者、自媒体的“流量洼地”。内容为王之下,短视频发展也进入垂直细分领域时代。作为中国最具有代表性的UGC短视频原创平台美拍成了诠释中国UGC视频发展与变现的最好范例,与2014年美拍上线同步沉淀下来的垂直频道,如今已在美食、美妆、时尚、搞笑等细分垂...

In 2017, the giant "in turn" short video once again returned to the eyes of investors and entrepreneurs, short video original, the future development route is gradually clear. Recently, the new list released in March, the United States took the influence of the original list, also reflects the future development of Chinese short video field gradually clear from the side: the difference, the content of the value of the vertical field plateau is gradually increased, cashability highlights. New list: four vertical list launched into traffic depressions consumer upgrades driven by short video content to become new information carrier, has become entrepreneurs, from the media's traffic depressions". Content is king, the development of short video also entered the era of vertical subdivision. As a UGC short video of the original platform of the most representative of the United States China made interpretation of the best example Chinese UGC video development and realization, take vertical channels synchronous online settling down in 2014 and now in the delicacy, beauty, beauty, fashion, funny vertical subdivision...

标签: 视频