新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克王国疯狂外卖


The kingdom of Rock

2015-04-30 11:56:57来源: 4399

洛克王国疯狂外卖 在5月1日即将更新的疯狂外卖和以前的疯狂外卖很像呢?那么到底是不是同样形式的活动呢?先和晓七一起来围观下以往的活动形式吧! 去商店街帮大厨送外卖吧!送给不同的NPC可以获得不同的奖励哦! 活动地点:商店街 活动时间:4月18日-4月24日 活动奖励:速度...

Rock crazy crazy takeaway takeaway is like the kingdom in May 1st will be updated before the takeaway takeaway and crazy crazy? What on earth is it right? In this way? The first and seven one Xiao under the crowd past activities in the form! Go to the store to help street chef deiivery! For different NPC can get different rewards Oh! Venue: shopping time: April 18th -4 month 24 days reward: speed...