新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国游戏公司Nexon出售价格或可高达150亿美元


South Korean game company Nexon could sell for as much as $15 billion

2019-04-03 12:46:19来源: IT之家

IT之家4月3日消息 据英国《金融时报》报道,作为全球收入最高的游戏公司之一的韩国Nexon,其价格预期将在资产重组后,增长至150亿美元。银行家表示,公司持有人已经放弃原先出售控股公司NXC的计划,目前仅计划出售该游戏部门。根据日本上市规则,收购东京上市的Nexon或将触发强制性收购要约,意味着买家最终的支付价格或将远高于之前预期的10万亿韩元(约88亿美元)。据此前的《韩国经济日报》报道,腾讯也已经成为韩国游戏公司Nexon的竞购者之一,目前共有五位五家公司参与竞标,包括了韩国最大聊天应用运营商Kakao。

IT Home News April 3 - nbsp; Nexon, one of the world's top-earning game companies, is expected to increase its price to $15 billion after asset restructuring, according to the Financial Times. Bankers said the company's holders had abandoned their original plan to sell NXC, the holding company, and only planned to sell the game division. Under Japan's listing rules, the acquisition of Tokyo-listed Nexon could trigger a mandatory takeover offer, meaning that the buyer's final payment price may be much higher than the expected 10 trillion won ($8.8 billion). Tencent has also become one of the bidders for Nexon, a Korean gaming company, according to the Korean Economic Daily. Five companies, including Kakao, Korea's largest chat application operator, are bidding.

标签: 游戏