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滴滴推mini电动车“小滴” 主打一人出行

Drops of mini electric vehicle "droplets" hit a person travel

2015-08-19 16:00:22来源: 亿邦动力网

8月19日消息,日前,滴滴快车宣布将在杭州推出首批“迷你”电动车型——“小滴”。据悉,这款外型酷似Smart的车除了驾驶员座位之外,只有一个乘客座位。滴滴方面表示,杭州用户在呼叫滴滴快车时,可通过选择“迷你型”来呼叫“小滴”。(“小滴”产品界面截图 )亿邦动力网了解到,此次滴滴快车公司推出的所有“小滴”均来自浙江时空电动汽车有限公司,车型为E20,是一款微型乘用车。该车型最高时速可达80公里/小时,续航里程为260km,百公里耗电约为10-14度。在价格方面,据亿邦动力网了解, “小滴”的定价为0.99元/公里,0.3元/分钟,收费方式为公里费叠加时间费。该收费标准为杭州当地滴滴快车定价的8折...

8 May 19 news, recently, drops express announced that it will launch the first mini electric vehicle in Hangzhou "droplet". It is reported that the appearance of the car in addition to the Smart driver in addition to the driver's seat, only a passenger seat. Didi side said, Hangzhou customer call drops express, through the choice of "mini" to call "". ("droplets" product interface screenshot) billion state power network has learned, the drops express company launched all "droplets" are from Zhejiang spatio-temporal Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., models for the E20, is a miniature passenger vehicle. The vehicle top speed of 80 km / h, mileage of 260km, 100 km power consumption of about 10-14 degrees. In terms of price, according to billion state power network, the "droplets" pricing to 0.99 yuan / km, 0.3 yuan / min, fees for kilometers fees overlay time fee. The fee standard for the local Hangzhou local 20 percent off...