新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周鸿祎:互联网下半场需要聚焦核心技术 炒概念行不通了

周鸿祎:互联网下半场需要聚焦核心技术 炒概念行不通了

Zhou Hongzhen: It's not feasible to focus on the concept of core technology speculation in the second half of the Internet.

2018-12-03 15:47:15来源: DoNews

DoNews 12月3日消息(记者 赵晋杰)在12月2日“致敬改革开放40年,2018中国企业领袖年会”上,360集团董事长兼CEO周鸿祎作为互联网第一代创业者,获得影响改革开放进程的企业领袖大奖,成为当晚唯一获奖的互联网企业家。在中国互联网正在开启产业互联网的下半场之际,周鸿祎致敬中提出,“在互联网的下半场,核心技术的竞争将会持续发酵。谁在人工智能、大数据领域实现了关键技术突破,谁就可以实现降维打击。今年爆发的中兴芯片事件也在警示我们,只有掌握核心技术的国家才能把握自己的命运。”此外,他还表示,360去年投资了24个亿在安全技术方面,今后将会继续加大投入。未来,网络安全技术和人工智能大数据、...

DoNews, Dec. 3 (Reporter Zhao Jinjie) On Dec. 2, "Respecting the 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up and the 2018 Annual Meeting of Chinese Enterprise Leaders", Zhou Hongzhen, Chairman and CEO of 360 Group, as the first generation of Internet entrepreneurs, won the Enterprise Leader Award for influencing the process of reform and opening up, becoming the only Internet entrepreneur who won the award that night. As China's Internet is opening the second half of the industrial Internet, Zhou Hongyi saluted that "in the second half of the Internet, the competition of core technologies will continue to ferment. Whoever has achieved breakthroughs in key technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and big data can achieve dimensionality reduction. This year's ZTE chip incident also warns us that only countries with core technology can grasp their own destiny. In addition, he said 360 invested 2.4 billion yuan in security technology last year and will continue to increase investment in the future. In the future, network security technology and AI big data,...