新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想手机确定双品牌发展策略 将重启“机海战术”

联想手机确定双品牌发展策略 将重启“机海战术”

Lenovo mobile dual brand development strategy is determined Sea tactics "to restart the machine

2018-03-22 08:30:59来源: DoNews

DoNews 3月22日消息(记者 赵晋杰)在3月20日的新机发布会上,联想移动一口气推出联想S5、K5、K5play三款手机。这也预示着时隔近2年后,联想自有品牌Lenovo的正式回归。在接受媒体采访中,联想集团高级副总裁、移动业务总裁乔健表示,未来联想手机会启用Lenovo和Motorola两个品牌,分别主攻线上和线下。2018年内,联想手机将会有10多款新品陆续发布,争取年内重归市场销量前十。ZUK使命已完成 未来将双品牌发展2015年8月,联想旗下神奇工场的ZUK首次举办发布会,常程作为CEO推出带有互联网基因的首款手机ZUKZ1,主打国内市场。不过ZUK并未迅速获得理想成绩,联想手机...

On March 22, DoNews news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) on March 20th, a new conference, lenovo mobile in S5, K5, K5play three kind of mobile phone. It also heralds after nearly two years later, Lenovo own brand Lenovo formal return. In a media interview, Lenovo group, senior vice President, mobile business President Joe Miriam said the future Lenovo mobile will enable Lenovo and Motorola two brands, focusing on online and offline respectively. There will be more than 10, 2018 years, the lenovo mobile new product launches, strive for the top ten years to return to the market sales. ZUK's mission has been completed in the future will double brand development in August 2015, lenovo's magic works ZUK conference held for the first time, Chang Cheng as CEO launched the first mobile phone with Internet gene ZUKZ1, leading the domestic market. But ZUK did not obtain ideal result quickly, lenovo mobile...