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弹弹堂S真轰天武器图鉴一览 弹弹堂S武器大全

Ddtank S list of ddtank weapons, weapon S Daquan

2015-05-10 00:08:52来源: 4399

在弹弹堂S中,真·轰天这个武器到底是什么样的呢?真·轰天都有哪些属性加成呢?4399阿尔法特别为大家整理了关于真·轰天的图鉴资料! ▍极司马砸缸 获得途径:弹弹商城 价格:40点卷可购买7天,80点卷可购买30天,200点卷可以购买永久时限。 简单评价:真·轰天的特点就是拥有超高...

in ddtank S, really, this weapon, in the end is what kind of? That boom which attribute addition? 4399 Alfa special for everyone finishing rolling of the information about the true! Man is Sima hit the tank access: play mall price: 40 points can be purchased for 7 days, 30 days can buy 80 points, 200 points can buy a permanent time. A simple evaluation: really is to have super high - rolling...