新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鲸亿金服:金融监管日趋完善的同时也为网贷平台指明了方向


Whale billions of golden clothes: financial supervision is becoming more and more perfect, but also pointed out the direction for the online lending platform.

2017-11-21 17:28:12来源: DoNews

从2016年开始,互金市场似乎进入了一场监管风暴 ,仅8月份,监管部门出台的法规文件就多达十几份。P2P网贷行业也随着监管的不断趋严,“野蛮式增长”逐渐远去,“合法合规化”“理性投资”成为主流态势。数据显示,在监管趋严的背景下,经过十年高速扩张的网贷行业,目前已剩下不到三成,不少平台无缘合规,甚至已经退出行业的历史舞台,同时也有另一部分类如鲸亿金服等新兴优质合规平台迎风而上,走在普惠金融的道路上,担起更多助力实体经济、服务大众的责任。这表明了我国金融监管的日趋成熟和完善已收到一定成效,当然也为互联网金融行业的发展指明了方向。早期因为没有明确监管政策,网贷行业存在诸多体制缺失、业务边界模糊、经营...

Since 2016, the mutual fund market seems to have entered a regulatory storm. In August alone, the regulatory authorities issued more than a dozen regulatory documents. With the increasingly stringent supervision, the P2P online lending industry has gradually faded away, and "legitimate compliance" and "rational investment" have become the mainstream trend. The data show that under the background of stricter supervision, after ten years of rapid expansion of the online lending industry, there are less than 30% left, many platforms are not eligible for compliance, and even have withdrawn from the historical stage of the industry. At the same time, there are some new high-quality compliance platforms, such as whale billions of golden clothes, which go up against the wind and take the path of Inclusive Finance to help the real economy and serve the public more. Responsibility. This shows that the maturity and perfection of China's financial supervision has achieved some results, of course, it also points out the direction for the development of the Internet financial industry. In the early period, because there was no clear regulatory policy, there were many institutional deficiencies, business boundary blurred, and operation in the online lending industry.