新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史上最强优惠! 京东618宏碁暗影骑士3直降千元

史上最强优惠! 京东618宏碁暗影骑士3直降千元

In the history of the strongest offers! Jingdong 618 acer shadow knight 3 straight down one thousand yuan

2017-06-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

京东618即将到来,相信很多玩家朋友已经跃跃欲试,准备扫货一款自己心仪的游戏笔记本。小编则费尽心机,为各位打探各家促销信息。功夫不负有心人,小编从国际大厂宏碁获悉,备受玩家喜爱的暗影骑士3将在618当天给出“史上最强优惠组合”,除在价格方面直接优惠近千元,同时还可享受京东白条12期免息福利,以及晒单获200元京东E卡活动。整体优惠组合达到前所未有的程度,而小编更了解到618过后,该款机型将不再有如此力度的特别优惠,各位玩家可要抓紧出手啊。 宏碁暗影骑士3作为近期市面上高性能游戏本的代表之作,其配置专门针对游戏玩家需求进行搭配,它搭载最新英特尔第七代酷睿处理器及英伟达GTX1050/10...

Jingdong 618 is coming, believe that many players friends already ready, ready to sweep a their loved ones game notebook. Small make up have struggled to you asking for various promotions. Everything comes to him who waits, small make up acer has learned from international companies, is the player's favorite shadow knight 3 will be presented on that day in 618 "the most favourable combination in history", in addition to the direct preferential treatments in respect of the price of nearly one thousand yuan, at the same time also can enjoy jingdong ious 12 period interest-free benefits, and bask in single 200 yuan jingdong E card. Unprecedented level of overall favourable combination, and small make up more to know that after 618, the model will no longer have a special discount on such force, each player must grasp to ah. Acer shadow knight 3 as a representative of the recent high performance game on the market the work, its configuration for gamers demand undertakes collocation, it is the latest Intel seventh generation core processor and nvidia GTX1050/10...

标签: 京东