新关注 > 信息聚合 > 选项不影响解决 《神秘海域4》对话仅为增强代入感

选项不影响解决 《神秘海域4》对话仅为增强代入感

The option does not affect the solution "uncharted 4" dialogue only to enhance the sense of substitution

2015-12-09 11:19:25来源: 4399

在刚刚结束不久的PSX发布会上,神海4公布了一段全新影像,其中出现了对话选项的画面,是系列首创,不免让人联想到巫师3的多结局。外媒也针对此事采访了顽皮狗社区策略师Arne Meyer。 对此,Arne Meyer表示这里加入的对话选择仅仅是为了让玩家做出自己的选择,加强游戏的代入感,并...

Shortly after the end of the PSX conference, the God of the sea 4 announced a new image, which appeared in the dialogue options screen, is the first series, can not help but think of the wizard 3 more than the outcome. Foreign media also interviewed the naughty dog community strategist Meyer Arne. In this regard, Arne Meyer said here joined the dialogue and choose only to allow players to make their own choices, strengthen game of substitution, and...