新关注 > 信息聚合 > 30万块乐高唤醒记忆,爱与信仰筑造普隆德拉


30 million pieces of LEGO awaken memories, love and faith Tectonics & Lund pull

2015-10-16 17:47:33来源: 游久网

在2015年China Joy中,心动网络携仙境传说手游【仙境传说:守护永恒的爱】震撼亮相,带大家重温12年的梦。展会上,除了上千件RO经典周边,4米高的巴风特塑像,最最让人印象深刻的当属这座由众多RO老玩家凭借着记忆共同搭建的普隆德拉主城了。 如今,这座普隆德拉乐高模型重新回归心动网...

in 2015 China joy, cardiac network join Ragnarok Tour [Ragnarok: Guardian of eternal love] shocking appearance, we review the dream for 12 years. The show, in addition to thousands of pieces of RO classic surrounding, 4 meters high, the wind and the wind, the most impressive is that this is a large number of RO old players by virtue of the memory of the main city of Prontera. Today, the Prontera Lego model to re return to the heart...