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Hot cloud data at the China international advertising festival, fu can lead to marketing changes

2017-10-24 11:23:16来源: DoNews


24th October 21-23, and China's international advertising festival held in changsha, hunan province, hot cloud data as big data by a third party service provider in the field of mobile Internet debut this year, participants from all walks of life's great attention. Hot CEO Mr Bai Dongli cloud data was invited to attend the mobile Internet brand promotion, has brought hot cloud data innovative DMP system, tipping, successful marketing, brand communication, boost the development of Chinese advertising refinement process leading advertising and marketing changes. Deep big data and break the depth marketing dilemma hot cloud data mining data, through continuous accumulation of data, can already support to the whole industry chain, based on user behavior to find similar user group in the future, more forecast development trend of specific industries. Appearance at the festival, but also caused the advertisers great interest. Hot cloud data W2 - W26 booth, attracted thousands of visitors stop to focus on, have with hot cloud data...