新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄杀》腾讯第一竞技桌游今日逐鹿公测


The hero killed, "Tencent first competitive gaming today compete in beta

2015-08-06 14:01:20来源: 不凡游戏网

在这个炎炎的夏日里,腾讯第一竞技桌游《英雄杀》手游版在众多豪杰玩家期盼下今日火爆公测。战场上的点兵,武将的拼杀。一声声呼唤,印刻下了永恒的誓言,那些尘封多年的英雄豪气,即将展现在你我面前。而游戏中更有5大亮点闪耀登场,敬请期待!智造英雄,杀出天下! 亮点一、特色英雄养成 突破战力极限...

in the scorching summer, Tencent's first competitive game" hero killed "version of the tour started in anticipation of the number of heroes players today hot beta. The soldiers on the battlefield, the generals fighting. One call, engraved the eternal oath, the hero heroic dust for many years, is about to show in front of you and me. And the game more five major highlight sparkling debut, so stay tuned! Wisdom made hero, blaze the world! Highlights, featured heroes to develop beyond the combat power limit.

标签: 腾讯