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三七互娱副总裁黄小娴:做好精品游戏 推动文化出海

Notoginseng Huang Xiaoxian mutual entertainment vice President: classic games Promote cultural sea

2018-08-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网上海8月2日电 (王珩)作为第十六届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy)同期会议中最具专业性和权威性的活动,中国国际数字娱乐产业大会(CDEC)今日开幕。三七互娱集团副总裁黄小娴在会上发表了题为《做好精品游戏,推动文化出海》的主旨演讲。 三七互娱集团副总裁黄小娴 根据Newzoo发布的全球游戏市场报告预测,在2018年,全球游戏玩家预计将在游戏上花费1379亿美元。黄小娴认为,游戏行业发展到今天进入了精品竞争的阶段,做精品游戏需要具备马拉松精神,要做好充足的准备。 “其实跑马拉松和运营一款精品游戏的思路很像:你需要做好充分的准备,包括身体和心理上的;在研发初期,速度...

People in Shanghai on August 2 (Wang Hang) as the 16th China international exhibition of digital interactive entertainment (ChinaJoy) at the same time meeting the most professional and authoritative in the activities, China international digital entertainment industry conference opened (CDEC) today. Notoginseng Huang Xiaoxian mutual entertainment group vice President issued at the meeting entitled "make high-quality goods game, promote cultural sea" keynote speech. Notoginseng Huang Xiaoxian mutual entertainment group vice President, according to a global game market report predicts Newzoo release in 2018, the global game players are expected to spend $137.9 billion on the game. Huang Xiaoxian think, until today in development of game industry has entered the phase of quality competition, what do I need for the high-quality goods game marathon spirit, to do well prepared. "In fact, running a marathon and the operation of a high-quality goods game mentality is like: you need to be well prepared, including physical and psychological; At the beginning of the research and development, the speed...

标签: 游戏 三七互娱