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腾讯互娱评内部最佳营销项目 穿越故宫来看你和薛之谦H5获奖

Tencent entertainment within the best marketing project Through the palace to see you and let you go H5 won the prize

2017-01-17 13:19:14来源: DoNews

DoNews游戏1月17日消息(编辑 陈艳曲)HTML5已经成为市场营销活动的一把利器。腾讯互娱在今年的年会上对年度卓越的项目进行了评选,其中被冠以“年度最佳营销项目”的两个获奖作品,都是由H5技术实现。(颁奖现场)两个作品分别是《穿越故宫来看你》和《薛之谦两个月没写微博段子,结果憋了个大招……》。两个作品都是由腾讯TGideas团队主要负责创意策划和执行。《穿越》H5是配合NEXT IDEA腾讯青年创意大赛做的一次推广,主要目的对7月7号腾讯在故宫发布会做预热。在这个作品中,创意合理的运用到了腾讯的微信、QQ、电子邮箱等主营业务。而《薛之谦》H5是为了将腾讯签约代言人薛之谦一事广而告之。视频...

January 17, DoNews games message (editors Chen Yan) it has become a tool of marketing activities. Tencent entertainment in this year's annual meeting in each annual excellent project for the selection, which has been dubbed the "marketing project" of the year two award-winning works, are made of H5 technology implementation. (awards) two works are respectively through the palace to see you and the memory two months didn't write weibo jokes, results hold back a big move..." . Two works are made by tencent TGideas team is mainly responsible for creative planning and execution. "Through" the H5 is cooperate NEXT IDEA tencent young creative competition do a promotion, the main purpose of tencent in the Forbidden City conference on July 7 for preheating. In this work, the creative use of reasonable to WeChat, tencent QQ, E-mail and other main business. The "memory" of H5 is signed to tencent spokesperson broadcast memory. Video...

标签: 腾讯 H5