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Embrace content ecology, cross-border players new hope dairy industry memory upgrade

2018-01-30 17:04:38来源: DoNews


In the era of Internet communication revolution, the marketing Bible of "content is king" has gradually come to a new definition. Traditional media and channels that focus solely on content output are declining. Content ecology, which integrates content + product + channel, is beginning to glow vigorously. In such a new era, just adapted to the Internet era, how do traditional industrial firms catch up with the content ecology? As a keen Internet marketing player, New Hope Dairy takes the lead in opening a new attempt of "content + product". As a traditional dairy enterprise, New Hope Dairy has always been aware of Internet marketing beyond the industry. As early as 2013, New Hope Dairy has begun its product-based "content distribution" attempt, which is based on "city memory" yoghurt. As a regional dairy enterprise consortium, New Hope Dairy has merged a large number of old local brands with a long history through years of mergers and acquisitions. In order to make full use of the ____________

标签: 玩家