新关注 > 信息聚合 > 和柳岩一起痛快战!《传奇世界手游》3V3版本正式开启


And Ada time fight together! The legendary world mobile game 3 v3 version officially open

2017-04-14 12:35:27来源: 任玩堂

由腾讯与盛大游戏携手打造、柳岩倾情代言的官方正版《传奇世界手游》全新版本“3V3决战巅峰”现已开启!激情畅爽3V3战队争霸赛首个赛季火爆开打,神兵深度养成器魂系统重磅登场,多重考验的生存战场带来趣味PVP体验。召集兄弟组建战队,夺取战队至高荣耀,幽灵虎、荣耀雕像等众多奖励等你来! 3V3决战巅峰,全新赛季火热开打作为全新的PVP玩法,3V3需要玩家与兄弟一起共建战队,报名参加战队争霸赛。战队争霸赛以赛季形式开启,角色等级40级以上的勇士可以在中州NPC战队管理员处创建战队,参加3V3战队争霸赛。赛季有海选筹备、海选赛、1/4决赛、半决赛、决赛共计6个环节,成功闯入8强的队伍可以获得丰厚奖励。在...

By tencent and shanda games hand in hand to create emotional endorsements, Ada's official licensed mobile game in the world of legends, a new version of "3 v3 battle peak" is now open! Passion chang shuang 3 v3 team champions first hot start of the season, the depth of the magic blockbuster keep out soul system, bring fun PVP experience multiple test the survival of the battlefield. Called brothers to form a team, and take high team to glory, ghost tiger, glory, statues and so on many rewards waiting for you! 3 v3 battle peak, a new season hot even as new PVP play, 3 v3 need players with brothers build team, sign up for the team of champions. Clan champions in the form of the season opens, role hierarchy level 40 or more warriors can be NPC in zhongzhou team administrators create team, attend 3 v3 team. Season has prepared, audition audition, quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final total of six links, managed to get into the top 8 teams can get huge rewards. In the...

标签: 手游