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手游IP不仅是颜值 《风暴军团》封测数据曝光

IP hand travel is not only the yen value the storm Legion "IC packaging and testing data exposure

2015-09-29 16:52:05来源: 多玩游戏

近日,市场热度日渐趋高的2015年新动作卡牌手游《风暴军团》已完成第一轮面向国服玩家的删档技术封测。从本次测试的下载转化率、留存率、玩家活跃时长和美术评分等方面的优秀数据表现可以看到,《风暴军团》无疑已经初步得到了玩家和市场的认可,不愧被称为致敬经典之作。 美术评分8.5+ 产品表现力...

recently, market heat gradually hasten high 2015 new action card poker tour of the storm Legion" has completed the first round for national service internationally delete files packaging and testing technology. Downloaded from the testing of the conversion rate and retention rate, internationally active long and art score excellent performance data can be seen, the Legion of the storm undoubtedly have primarily been the players and the market recognition, deserve to be called tribute to classic. Art score 8.5+ product performance...

标签: 手游