新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧CEO:主机可能只剩一代,云游戏将成为未来


Ubisoft CEO: host may only generation, cloud game will become the future

2018-06-07 13:19:19来源: 游戏时光

近日,育碧创始人兼 CEO Yves Guillemot 在接受采访时表达了自己对主机未来的看法,他认为,未来只剩下一代主机,而在这之后,一切都将转向云端。“我认为我们还能再看到一代主机,同时我们也得到了一个逐步减少硬件的好机会。随着时间的推移,流媒体对玩家来说会更加简便易行,人们也不必再拥有大型的硬件。将来还会有一带主机,在这之后,我们就会转向流媒体,所有人都会。”在Guillemot 看来,流媒体将成为我们的生活中的前沿,并占据中心地位,这些技术上的变化自然也会影响到游戏产业。就现在而言,有些游戏已经开始使用云服务器,而这一趋势在未来只会继续增长。值得一提的是,在前段时间,前 SIE 总裁...

Recently, ubisoft, founder and CEO Yves Guillemot when interviewed expressed his view of the host in the future, he believes that the future of the next generation of the host, and after that, everything will turn to the cloud. "I think we can still see a generation of host again, at the same time we also got a good chance to gradually reduce the hardware. With the passage of time, the streaming media will be more easy for players, and people don't have to have large hardware. In the future there will be host, after that, we will turn to streaming media, everyone." To Guillemot, streaming media will become the frontiers, in our life and occupy the central position, these technology changes in nature can also affect the game industry. For now, some games have begun to use the cloud, and this trend will only continue to grow in the future. Be worth what carry is, before paragraph time, SIE President...

标签: 游戏