新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多家投行看好拼多多:大摩、瑞银给予“买入”评级


Many investment banks are bullish: Morgan Morgan and UBS give "buy" ratings.

2019-03-13 19:14:42来源: IT之家

拼多多发布2018年财报前夕,包括摩根士丹利、高盛、瑞银、瑞信等在内的多家国际大行先后发布研报,并给出“买入”、“增持”的评级。其中,新近发布报告的瑞银和摩根士丹利,均给出了37美元的目标价格。瑞银认为:作为2.0代电商,拼多多已经成为中国第二大电商平台,并且仍将延续高速增长。瑞银预测,2021年,拼多多的年活跃用户将达6.28亿,与阿里(180.63, 0.00, 0.00%)巴巴集团2018年底的用户数持平;2023年,拼多多的用户年平均消费将达3823元,超越以高客单价为代表的京东(28.11, 0.00,0.00%)当下的水平。2021年,拼多多的年GMV...

On the eve of the publication of the 2018 earnings report, many international big banks, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, UBS and Credit Suisse, published their research reports successively, and gave their "buy" and "increase" ratings. Among them, UBS and Morgan Stanley, which have recently released reports, have both given target prices of $37. UBS believes that as a 2.0 generation e-commerce, Pingduo has become the second largest e-commerce platform in China, and will continue to grow at a high speed. UBS predicts that in 2021, the number of active users in Pingduo will reach 628 million, which is the same as that in Ali (180.63, & nbsp; 0.00, & nbsp; 0.00%) at the end of 2018. In 2023, the average annual consumption of users in Pingduo will reach 3823 yuan, surpassing the current level of Jingdong (28.11, & nbsp; 0.00, 0.00%) represented by Gaoke unit price. In 2021, many years GMV.