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Celebrate Bruges won the women dance naked on the streets

2016-05-19 18:24:26来源: 华体网

布鲁日时隔11年再一次赢得了比甲联赛冠军,他们在上一轮比赛中4-0击败了球队的最大的竞争对手安德莱赫特,提前两轮锁定了联赛冠军。 而为了庆祝自己喜欢的球队夺得冠军,一个女子在街头脱光了所有衣服庆祝...

Bruges after a lapse of 11 years once again won the league title Bijia them in the previous round 4-0 victory over the team's biggest rival Anderlecht, ahead of two locked league. In order to celebrate their favorite team won the championship, a naked woman in the street all the clothes to celebrate ...