新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399《生死狙击》第七届争霸赛 最强王者荣耀诞生

4399《生死狙击》第七届争霸赛 最强王者荣耀诞生

4399 sniper, the seventh champions The strongest king glory was born

2016-04-25 22:22:41来源: 一游网

号外号外,4399《生死狙击》最强王者争霸赛第七赛季圆满落幕,第七任最强王者荣耀诞生!4月23日,也就是上周六,4399《生死狙击》最强王者争霸赛第七赛季总决赛的号角响起,16强选手激烈开赛,最强王者终于诞生,他就是来自电信一区的Tw丶芸儿玩家! 4月23日下午2点,决赛组的16强选...

Okokokokok, 4399 sniper, strongest king race seventh season ended, seventh most powerful king glory was born! On April 23, on Saturday, 4399 strongest sniper, king champions seventh season finals horn sounded, 16 players is intense, the strongest king finally born, he is from telecommunications area Tw, non-success son players! On April 23, at 2 PM, the final group of 16...

标签: 王者荣耀