新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《城堡破坏者 高清版》 将于2019年夏季登陆PS4和Switch

《城堡破坏者 高清版》 将于2019年夏季登陆PS4和Switch

The castle destroyer Hd "will be landing in the summer of 2019 the PS4 and Switch

2019-03-20 08:26:04来源: 游戏时光

开发商 The Behemoth 宣布旗下经典多人横版过关独立游戏《城堡破坏者》的重制版即将登陆 PS4 和 Switch,预计今夏推出。《城堡破坏者》原为2008年在 Xbox 360 平台推出的游戏,支持4人合作过关,游戏有着搞笑又可爱的剧情以及多样的武器类型,后于 Xbox One 推出的《城堡破坏者 高清版》在包含全部 DLC 的同时将游戏帧率从30帧提高到了60帧,放大了字体并加入了全新的迷你游戏“Back Off Barbarian”。《城堡破坏者 高清版》PS4 和 Switch 还将拥有全新的独特特性,PS4 版中玩家的手柄灯将变化为对应角色的颜色,Switch 版则加入了对 ...

Developers, The Behemoth has announced its classic multiplayer horizontal version through independent game "castle destroyer" heavy plate is PS4 and Switch, is expected to launch this summer. "Castle destroyer" originally 2008 launch of the game, the Xbox 360 platform support 4 people pass, the game has a funny and cute type of drama and a variety of weapons, the Xbox after One of the castle destroyer Hd edition contains all the DLC at the same time the game frame rate is raised from 30 frames to 60 frames, enlarge the font and joined a new mini game "Back Off Barbarian". The castle destroyer Hd "PS4 and Switch will also have the unique characteristics of new PS4 version of the player's handle light will change the color of the corresponding role, Switch version is joined to the...

标签: PS4 PS Switch