新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新版贺新春《啪啪三国》4.4新春版今日上线


The new version of the new "4.4" pops three new year edition on-line today

2018-02-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

【全新兵符系统,助你战力飞升】 在本版本中,主公战力达到5万以上,即可解锁全新兵符系统。新的养成系统,助力主公提升战力!兵符属性掉落时随机生成,兵符属性包括主属性、副属性、套装属性(4星以上才附带)。兵符主属性可通过强化提升,副属性可通过打磨提升。兵符对当前阵容所有武将提供属性加成。兵符共分6个部位,高星级兵符套装将为部队提供士气、吸血、速度等属性加成,并且不同套装对于不同国家和兵种也有不同三维属性加成,如何装备灵活运用,各位主公需要细细考量哦。 【百战之路开启 问鼎乱世三国】 同兵符系统一起解锁的,还有全新的百战之路挑战玩法。主公攻打百战关卡,有几率获得兵符(兵符系统的主要产...

[new lead system, help you] soaring fighting force in this version, the Lord now reached more than 50 thousand, you can unlock new lead system. To develop new system, help to enhance the combat capability of the lord! Seal attribute falls randomly generated, including the main processes of attribute attribute, attribute, attribute set vice (4 star above included). Lead main attributes by strengthening the promotion, deputy property can shine through the ascension. The team provides bonuses on the current lineup of all the generals. The team is divided into 6 parts, the high star team set will provide for the army morale, vampire, speed bonuses, and suit for different countries and different units have different three-dimensional bonuses, how flexible use of equipment, you need to consider oh lord. The road opened [culture] with aspirations to unlock the seal system, and a new way of battle gameplay challenges. The LORD fought battle level, there is a chance to get the team (mainly producing lead system...