新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅兔降临残血收割 《新斗罗大陆》今日新版上线

魅兔降临残血收割 《新斗罗大陆》今日新版上线

Demons rabbit come residual blood harvest "new dou luo continent" the new online today

2018-09-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《新斗罗大陆》今日版本上线,魅兔降临,新养成玩法、海量福利……用最热血激情的方式,共同迎接十一的到来,让我们一起嗨翻黄金周! 激情1:黄金周福利加满,重宝助登斗罗高峰 举国欢庆的十一黄金周就要来了~来之不易的假期,相信不少魂师已经摩拳擦掌渴望进入斗罗世界探险一番~《新斗罗大陆》为各位魂师提供多重探奇纳宝的途径,更为魂师们准备了优厚福利,五重福利助各位早日登上实力高峰,成就封号斗罗。 福利一重:国庆期间每日登录即可领取超豪华奖励,S级小舞碎片、海量钻石、天斗宝箱……如此奢华的福利居然直接送?就是这么任性; 福利二重:S级魂师小舞、觉醒、魂骨主题,国庆接踵而来,天天不落空,淬炼魂师强大体...

"New dou luo continent" version launched today, demons rabbit, formed a new play, vast benefits... With the passion together to meet the arrival of the eleven, let us together hi turn golden week! Passion: 1 "golden week" welfare to fill, treasure to help the dou luo peak Celebrating the country's eleven golden week is coming ~ hard-won holiday, believe many masters have muscled desire into the bucket Luo Shijie exploration ~ "new dou luo continent" for all the masters with multiple ways to explore kirchner's treasure, more soul masters prepared generous benefits, five heavy welfare help you boarded peak power at an early date, achievement titles bucket. A heavy welfare: daily login can receive ultra-luxury awards during National Day, the s-class, huge diamond, little bits of the dance day dou treasure chest... So costly welfare actually sent directly? Is so capricious; Welfare double s-class: soul little dance, awakening, soul bone topic, National Day followed, teacher is strong in every day without effect, refined through soul...