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自由之战新版本更新 剑圣携两位新英雄回归

Freedom and a new version of the update Kensai carrying two new heroes return

2015-06-18 14:43:21来源: 4399

各位勇士们,自由之战重磅消息!剑圣同学经过几周的闭关修炼,终于修复了他的bug,今天,诡剑士萨穆亚重磅回归!与此同时,六月主打英雄阿鲁图与暗刃行者也将来到自由之战,新英雄!买买买! 我们将于2015年6月18日7:00对服务器进行维护更新。维护期间全服玩家将无法登录游戏,为此带来的不便...

members warriors, freedom and heavy news! Yurnero students after several weeks of retreat practice, finally to repair his bug, today, a swordsman Samuya heavy return! At the same time, the main hero Alutu June Walker and dark edge also come to fight for freedom, a new hero! Buy and buy! We will maintain the server in June 18, 2015 7:00 update. During the maintenance of the full service players will not log the game, the inconvenience caused...