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玩家排队试玩 《执剑之刻》携浪漫和风亮相萤火虫漫展

Players lined up to try the moment of holding the sword and wind appearance firefly who with romance

2018-10-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

为期三天的萤火虫动漫游戏嘉年华(上海站)正式落下帷幕。恰逢国庆节长假期间,大批玩家出没,把执剑之刻展区围得水泄不通。 在本次上海萤火虫漫展上,执剑之刻展区现场还原了日本国宝级建筑古迹——日光东照宫,并为现场的玩家准备了最新的游戏测试版本。让玩家不仅能体验唯美浪漫的游戏内容,还能游览到奢华精致的日式风情景观,同时还可以参加丰富多样的现场活动,领取到会场限定礼品。 游戏试玩好评连连,优化改进贴近玩家 在三天的参展期间,游戏试玩区是执剑之刻展区人气最高的项目之一。现场准备了内置最新游戏测试版本的手机和平板设备,供玩家自由体验。 据了解,本次公开的最新游戏测试版本,较之前首测版本,有了不...

The three-day fireflies cartoon carnival game (Shanghai) officially ended. Coincides with the National Day holiday period, a large number of players, holding the sword of the carved pavilion wai packed. Fireflies in the Shanghai show, holding a sword of exhibition site restored Japan national architectural monuments - sun east palace, and to the scene of the player to the latest test version of the game. Let players can experience the aesthetic romantic game content not only, still can visit to luxurious exquisite Japanese style landscape, at the same time can also at the scene of the rich variety of activities, receive limit gifts to the hall. Praise the game demo, optimize the close to the players during the three days of exhibition, game demo zone is holding sword engraving exhibition one of the most popular items. The prepared built-in game test version of the latest mobile phones and tablet devices, for players to experience freedom. It is understood that the public the latest test version of the game, the first test version before, had no...

标签: 玩家