新关注 > 信息聚合 > 众泰T600运动版渲染图曝光 或下半年上市

众泰T600运动版渲染图曝光 或下半年上市

Recently many Thai T600 sport renderings exposure or in the second half of the year listed

2015-08-05 20:12:35来源: 中国新闻网

近日,我们从众泰官方获取了众泰T600运动版车型的渲染图。据官方消息,预计该车于今年下半年上市。 众泰T600运动版渲染图 通过渲染图我们可以看出,众泰T600运动版采用了全新家族化前脸设计...

, we herd Thai official access to the Zotye T600 sports version of the model renderings. According to official sources, the car is expected to be listed in the second half of this year. Zotye T600 movement version renderings by rendering we can see, Zotye T600 sports version of the new family of design of the front face.