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Your advertisement I make a block booking the swordsman in the world 2 "romantic Tanabata activities open

2015-08-19 14:29:58来源: 多玩游戏

牛郎织女相会的日子,天下情侣大秀恩爱的节日,浪漫的七夕情人节即将来袭。当基友去找妹子,当妹子去找汉子,当汉子去找BOSS,你还在单身吗?如何在七夕“脱光”和心仪的TA度过一个难忘的情人节?《剑侠世界2》七夕活动甜蜜上线,五重活动与你共聚鹊桥,愿天下有情人终成眷属,爱情永驻! 【七夕情...

Cowboy Weaver meet day, festival of the couple in the world a big show of affection, romantic Tanabata Valentine's Day is struck. When a friend to find a sister, when the sister to find a man, when a man to go to BOSS, you are still single? How to July 7th "naked" and that TA spent a memorable Valentine's day? The swordsman in the world 2 "Tanabata Festival sweet line, five activities with your co bridge, may married lovers the world, love forever! [the seventh night of the seventh moon...